Infill affordable housing bonuses now in effect

  • Latest News

Dec 2023

By Mecone

By Mecone

Amendments have now been made to the Housing SEPP    

This enables projects delivering 10-15% of GFA as affordable housing to receive a bonus of up to 30% height and 30% GFA (applied to the whole development, not just the residential component).

The new provisions apply to projects within 800m of a train station and 400m of a light rail in Greater Sydney, and now applies to BTR development. However, we understand that most of the City of Sydney will continue to be exempt (see current exemptions here: and recently upzoned areas of Willoughby subject to the Willoughby Affordable Housing Principles (see current exemptions here: will continue to be exempt for a period of 6 months to provide Council an opportunity to justify a permanent exemption.

Additionally, projects valued at more than $75 million can now pursue a State Significant Development Pathway (SSD) if the project includes 10 – 15% of GFA as affordable housing.

Projects should consider solar access to open space, and overshadowing to neighbouring properties when pursuing height or GFA bonusses – but DCP controls will not apply.

Affordable housing must be used for a minimum period of 15yrs and is to be calculated in addition to any LGA requirements.

Mecone made a number of submissions in relation to the draft amendments and exemptions and is pleased to see that that DPE has responded to this – with the removal of exemptions being considered over the next 6 months.