Cleveland Street, Redfern

  • Projects

Oct 2024

By Mecone

By Mecone

Mecone is thrilled to have played a key role in helping EG Funds secure approval for their State Significant Development (SSD) at Cleveland Street, Redfern.    

This innovative mixed-use co-living project promises to address the area’s critical need for diverse rental housing while enhancing the Cleveland Street streetscape and activating all three street frontages of the site. The development and design were informed by comprehensive and meaningful First Nations engagement including consultation with local Indigenous groups and elders, providing a significant cultural influence on the project.

Last month, the NSW Independent Planning Commission reviewed the SSD application and endorsed the development, highlighting its strategic importance in boosting rental housing supply and diversity. The Commission recognised the project as a well-considered and efficient use of land, noting its potential to invigorate the public domain and provide valuable economic and community benefits, as well as support active transportation.

The development included a 123% variation to the maximum residential accommodation floor space ratio standard. This variation, endorsed by both the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure and the Independent Planning Commission, was deemed a fitting response to the evolving character of the area which would facilitate the creation of additional dwellings in a highly accessible location, aligning with the districts housing objectives.

Congratulations to EG Funds and the wider consultant team!