NSW Government announces reforms to redefine missing middle

  • Latest News

Dec 2023

By Mecone

By Mecone

The NSW Government has announced ambitious planning reforms to increase housing capacity in established areas.    

Key features of the reforms include:

  • Allowing dual occupancies in all R2 zones in NSW.
  • Allowing terraces, townhouses and 2-storey apartment blocks near transport hubs and town centres in R2 zones across Six Cities region.
  • Allowing mid-rise (3-6 storey) apartment blocks within 800m of transport hubs and town centres in R3 zones and appropriate employment zones.
  • Introducing new standards for building height, lot size and floor space ratios for low- and mid-rise housing.
  • Introducing standalone controls to vary requirements of the Apartment Design Guide for mid-rise housing.

Mecone is proud to have supported Government Architect NSW and NSW Department of Planning and Environment with evidence and advice regarding the recent policy reforms.

This is a welcome move by the Government, unlocking significant capacity for diverse housing typologies in a supply constrained housing market.

Effective low-rise housing can positively shape our neighbourhoods, but it isn’t a silver bullet for Sydney’s housing issues. Recognising that not all sites are viable, these policies mark a necessary, yet partial, response to the ongoing housing crisis.

The plans will go on public exhibition for public feedback from next week.

You can find out more about the initiative at https://ow.ly/pBP450QbPKg